For Triathlon Race Directors

You choose the design for the SporTat Triathlon Tattoos, bike & helmet stickers and wristbands. We work closely with race directors to fully customize the imagery to incorporate race and/or sponsor graphics.
Our Race Systems give the Race Director everything the athlete needs to be viewed by spectators, identified by race officials and protected in case of an accident.
It includes Race Bibs, Stickers for their helmets & bikes, a Wristband to let the athletes in and out of Transition and most importantly, to identify the athlete to their bike to avoid someone else from taking it.
Our full line of SporTats™ Triathlon tattoos is for your athlete’s identification needs to ensure visibility requirements for safety, Race Officials and city requirements.
SporTats™ Triathlon Tattoos – Stock Sets
There are several ways to identify your triathlete out on the course.
Tattoos are one key identification method for Race Officials & Volunteers.
Our most popular SporTat™ Triathlon Tattoos is a Triple set of tattoos which have 2- SporTats™ Triathlon Tattoos for the athlete’s arms, and (1) for the athlete’s legs coupled with their calves indicating race distance & age group.
In addition, you can mix and match your tattoos with 4,3,2 or 1 sets, depending on your race identification needs. For kid’s races that you may host, we also have children size sets of tattoos available.
SportStiks™ Custom Logo Triathlon Tattoos
We are proud to work with our United Kingdom partner (SportStiks™) to produce Tattoos with personalized Race and Sponsors logos able to be produced on all Triathlon Tattoos.
This is the premier location for a top sponsor to be recognized during a race. Spectator and media photos will can capture these logos within all three disciplines.
Race Innovation can tailor each Race Director & Sponsor’s tattoo needs to make the event even more eye popping to the spectators & athletes alike.
We can customize tattoos of sponsor’s logos for everyone to see.
We provide a functional solution to eliminate body marking and turn it into a sponsorship opportunity at the same time.
Age Group Tattoos
This is the best way for your athlete to know who their competition is and if they need to pick up or hold their pace!
Completely eliminating body marking when coupled with our Triathlon Tattoos. These tattoos have the numbers with the athlete’s age.
Race Number Systems (Mini & Full)
Our Race number System gives the Race Director everything they need to have a successful race. We provide the following:
- Race Bibs for the bike & run portion.
- Bike Stickers for the triathlete’s helmets & bikes.
- Wristbands to allow the athletes in & out of transition and for identification to the triathlete & their bike for when they are done for the race.

Helmet Stickers
Helmet Stickers are a prerequisite for Race Directors to have triathletes on bike course.
Race Officials require the stickers to be centered on the front of the helmet.
We also can customize helmet stickers with a Sponsor’s logo for brand recognition.
Race Bibs (Standard & Tear Off)
Our Race Bibs are designed to identify the athlete to the Race Official, Race Director and to be taken home for the athlete’s ‘brag wall’.
Our Race Bibs come in various formats that are best for your race. Standard Race Bibs are designed for the athlete to pin on their jersey or race belts.
We also provide Perforated Tear Off Racing Bibs that are used in keeping track of athletes at checkpoints, the finish line, and also for raffles!
Race Bibs & Wristbands Integrated
In 2014, we now are offering a Race Bib printed with associated racers wrist band to streamline packet pick up further. Color Coordination of Wristbands and Bibs ensure consistency for all athlete waves within events you host.
To assist Race Directors to identify one athlete from another.
This allows the athlete to walk in and out of transition while properly identifying them specifically with their bike!
Tyvek is the our preferred wristband material of choice for it’s durability.
Bike Rack Stickers
Made for Race Directions who want to keep their transition areas a little cleaner and have an assigned bike system so there are not too many or too few bikes on a single rack at a time.
Race and Sponsor logos can be printed onto Bike Rack Stickers.
Build your own Products
Customize your race! You can build your own specific Race System as to what kinds of tattoos, race number systems, race stickers and wristbands that will be best for your race. We welcome the innovative race directors who want something unique for themselves and their sponsor. Innovation is in our namesake, so lets us figure it out with you.
Tell us about your event and order today!